"This [DumpMaster] has eliminated the complaints of no pickup service and in some cases we have been able to sell more service..." Rumpke Waste Collection, Louisville, KY" 

DumpMaster Dumpmaster attached to a dumpster

Now Be Certain of Your Pickup Service

Aren't you busy enough without having to deal with "my container is still full," and "your driver missed me" phone calls from your customers?

The DUMPMASTER will help eliminate these calls so you can concentrate on the job in front of you. The DumpMaster mounts on a container and will record and display both the date and time that the container has been emptied. The DumpMaster is ideal for those "problem" accounts and new accounts.

Key BenefitsDumpmaster Unit

  • Record of date and time of service
  • Better customer satisfaction
  • Builds driver morale
  • Increase sales
  • Pinpoints driver problems

Is The DumpMaster Worth The Money?

You bet it is. At only $79.95, it will pay for itself by eliminating just
one of the"FREE" service calls you have been making or by proving to a
customer they need more service. And you will be able to pinpoint any
"unpaid" service that a customer may have been getting from a route driver.

Start cutting your costs and boosting your productivity today! Call us FREE today: 1-800-643-5973.